Solar Cooking
Last edited: 7 August 2018      
Via Organica logo

Via Organica A.C (Organic Way) is a Mexican non-profit organization whose mission is to promote healthy eating and a sustainable future through the promotion of knowledge and practice of regenerative organic farming, fair trade, social justice, sustainable living and protection of the planet. Via Organica was formed in 2009 as a sister organization of Organic Consumers Association (OCA), a network of organic consumers in the United States for health, justice, sustainability, peace and democracy. Via Organica opened the doors of their store and cafe in in 2009, with the purpose to connect small local farmers with consumers looking for delicious organic food locally and healthily produced near San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. They also supports a variety of educational projects related to regenerative organic farming and the local economy, sustainability and natural health through their Ecological and Education Center.

[This text was borrowed from]


  • July 2016: Solar dehydrator training took place where participants learned the benefits and techniques to preserving food in this way. Included in the cost of the class was a beautiful crafted solar dehydrator.
Via Organica training 12-10,1
Via Organica training 12-12, 2
  • December 2010: A solar box cooker construction training took place. See the gallery for more photos taken during the class.

External links[]


Vía Organíca
Margaret Ledesma St., # 2
Colonia Guadalupe
San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato 37710

Tel: + (52) 415-152-8042

Email: Contact page