Solar Cooking

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Mark's 30-second Bean Soup

1 cup of mixed beans (7-bean, 10-bean etc. - frequently sold in bulk bins)

1 bouillon cube (chicken, beef, vegetable, etc.) or 1 teaspoon bouillon broth powder

The '30 seconds' refers to how long it takes to prepare this soup. I'm really lazy, and almost never pre-soak the beans. Put beans and bouillon in 32 oz. black-painted mason jar. Fill jar with water to within 1 inch of neck line. Seal with black-painted ring and lid (oil the inside parts of the lid and ring first). Cooks in 2.5 to 8 hours depending on conditions, solar cooker type, etc.

Many spaghetti sauces come packed in 26 oz. canning jars. If you've converted one of these 'free' jars into a cooking jar (by painting it black), follow the same recipe except use only 3/4 cup beans.


60-second Split Pea and Potato Soup

1 cup split peas (frequently sold in bulk bins)

1 bouillon cube (chicken, beef, vegetable, etc.) or 1 teaspoon bouillon broth powder

1/2 cup diced potato pieces

Put peas, potatoes, and bouillon in 32 oz. black-painted mason jar. Or, if using a 26 oz. jar, use only 3/4 cup of split peas. Fill jar with water to within 1 inch of neck line. Seal with black-painted ring and lid (oil the inside parts of the lid and ring first). Cooks in 2.5 to 8 hours depending on conditions, solar cooker type, etc.

Note that texture of soup will vary with cooking time. Thoroughly cooked pea soup will have almost no pea chunks in it -- they all dissolve! So watch the soup carefully after the first 1.5 hours if you like your soup with a few remaining split peas.

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