Solar Cooking
Last edited: 20 November 2014      

Margaret Bennett has used and promoted SunStove solar cookers since 1990 through SunStove Organization,Girl Guides, Wildlife Society, Rotary International, and worked closely with Richard Wareham, Programme for Biomass Energy Conservation (PROBEC), and Association for Renewable Energy Cooking Appliances (AFRECA), empowering over 12,500 people.

Recent news and developments

IMG 2257

The Sunstoves are ready to begin baking bread.

IMG 2267

The bread dough is prepared.

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Carol and Christine pose with a workshop member.

  • February 2014: Margaret Bennett reports on a SunStove training that took place earlier this month in Lesotho. The workshop was run by two ladies from Quebec, Canada, and funded by the Raging Grannies of Vancouver. Twenty-five sunstoves were set out with tiles to preheat with soupa dishes placed in the sun on the group to warm the water/oil mixture for the Bohobe (bread) recipe. While the bread baked, we talked - repeating the lessons of the week and answering questions. Everyone is keen to dry fruit in the sunstove & we are excited to hear the results. Keke informed us that fruit buyers in Mohales Hoek pay 50 rand a kilo for dried fruit, so this could be an income-generator for some of these grandparents and children. Much thanks to Carol and Christine, trainers, solar cooks, and carpenters.

See also

External links


Margaret Bennett
PO Box 21960
Crystal Park 1515
South Africa

Tel. +11 969 2818
