Solar Cooking

MukasaKawesa small

Kawesa Mukasa is the director of the Solar Connect Association in Kampala, Uganda. His group distributed 10,000 cookers between 1994-2003 in Albertine Rift region. Solar Connect continues to train trainers and give regular demonstrations of panel and parabolic solar cookers in Kampala and other areas.

News and recent developments

  • February 2007: Email report from Kawesa Mukasa: Since last July, we have made some progress in disseminating solar cookers in rural areas of western Uganda. Some three hundred CooKits have have been distributed in the villages of Kikokwa, Ruharo and Orukiga Refugee Settlement in Mbarara District found in western Uganda. Our association is partnering with the KoZon Foundation and we are to disseminate two thousand solar cookers by 30th December 2007 in the above mentioned villages. We now use cassava paste as glue on aluminium foil for Cookits. We make the glue ourselves. The idea is from the KoZon Foundation. We had the previledge to receive Mrs. Clara Thomas and Mr. Henk Crientee from Holland last December (2006) on a solar cooker field visit to our project. They were able to see a clusters of over 70 CooKits from three villages and they were only limited by time, they could have seen many more. One organisation we supported to introduce solar cookers in Eastern Congo called Projet Enviromentale de Virunga (Pevi) is now producing solar cookers independently from the Solar Connect Association but they lack materials. This is the same thing with another one in Burundi called Association Burundais pour la Protection des Oiseaux (ABO) in Bunjumbura-Burundi. They too need cheap aluminium materials and support. We shall be grateful to hear news about your projects and activities. Let us share information actively so as to contribute in our own small way to mitigattion of climate change and conservation of our beautiful forests and savannah woodlands.

Audio and video

External Links


Solar Connect Association
P.O. BOX 425

Tel: +256-772-665894
Office: +256-71-718005 (pending update)
