Solar Cooking
Last edited: 10 February 2014      
Dr. Dale Andreatta speaking on water pasteurization

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Dale Andreatta along with Fred Barrett is the inventor of the Water Pasteurization Indicator (WAPI), a simple thermometer that indicates when water has reached pasteurization temperature and is safe to drink.

Dale writes:

"I am educated in mechanical engineering, getting BS and MS degrees from The Ohio State University in 1983 and 1984. After working for SEA, Ltd., an engineering consulting company, I went to Berkeley for a Ph.D. completing that in 1995. One of my minor areas was heat transfer, which is highly relevant in solar cooking and a number of other areas. While in California I hooked up with Solar Cookers International, and finished the design of the original WAPI. I also worked on several low-cost methods of water pasterurization. After graduating I moved back to Columbus Ohio and went back to work for SEA, continuing to work on water pasteurization as my time permitted. Along with others, I have authored several papers for the American Solar Energy Society about solar water pasteurization methods.
Currently I am heavily involved with efforts to design clean and efficient cooking methods for the developing world using biofuels. All of this work is encouraged by my company as time allows, and they provide me with a small budget and laboratory space."

Recent news and developments

  • February 2014: Dale Andreatta, inventor of the WAPI, discusses the latest developments in water pasteurization at the ETHOS 2013 conference in Kirkland, Washington, USA. He describes three uses for low temperature (below boiling) solar-heated water, and three simple devices for producing that hot water. In Johnson and Bryden (2012) it is estimated that in a particular village in Mali, 22% of the domestic wood consumption went for water heating exclusive of cooking, while another 52% went for cooking. In a sunny climate the methods presented here would provide most of the energy required for water heating exclusive of cooking, and a substantial fraction of the energy needs for cooking. Read more at: Solar Thermal Energy for the Village - Dale Andreatta

Audio and video


Dale Andreatta
