Solar Cooking
Food tasting in Kenya

Children in line to taste food.

Camily Wedende is the director of Sun Cookers International in Eldoret, Kenya. He began teaching others about solar cooking in 1995, and he and his wife have trained over 300 people since then through 2010.

Spring 2010 Camily Wedende and Sharon Cousins (advising and encouraging via email) began a project to involve a number of Eldoret school children in solar cooking. Students helped construct three different types of solar cookers and have been running comparison tests on the cookers. If a small fund can be arranged for materials, the students each want to make one of the model they like best to take home and use. Contact Sharon Cousins if you would like to donate to this worthy project.

See Also


Camily Wedende
P.O. 1327

Tel: +254-0724243798