Solar Cooking
Last edited: 10 August 2017      
Bolivia Inti logo, 12-14-17

Bolivia-Inti blue box cookers cropped

Local villagers in Bolivia proudly display their recently completed solar box cookers using their new carpentry skills.

The French organization Bolivia Inti-Sud Soleil credits three “Ps” for their successes in spreading solar cookers: Passion, Perseverance, and Positive attitude. In 2008, they trained around 1,800 new solar cooks. As of the end of 2011, Bolivia Inti-Sud Soleil had distributed more than 16,000 cookers in the Andean countries of Bolivia, Chile, Peru and Argentina, benefiting 80,000 people in communities there. Thirty of their solar cooking trainers are present in these Andean countries. Bolivia Inti-Sud Soleil also distributes Rocket Stoves in Chile and Argentina and has several initiatives in Africa, where an emphasis is placed on the wood saving aspect of solar cookers and the Rocket Stove. These initiatives have met with considerable success.

In their home country of France, Bolivia Inti-Sud Soleil has programs for school age children centered around solar cooking.

Most significant projects


See Calendar of events.



  • August 2017: At the recent meeting of the Humanitarian Environment Network, Bolivia Inti-Sud Soleil presented several solar cookers and rocket stoves which they use in both development and emergency contexts.
BISS adding photovoltaic to solar cooker - August 2015
  • September 2015: Bolivia Inti-Sud Soleil (BISS), in association with Engineers without Borders, has started a new project called Plug in Peru (PIP), implemented by three engineering students from École Centrale de Nantes. Photovoltaic (PV) panels were added to the solar stoves, which were distributed in the Andes. While the solar cooker is in position for cooking, these PV panels will store energy to charge cell phones, radios, and batteries – a need that was identified in the local villages. The students’ project was based in La Paz, on the premises of Inti Illimani (BISS’ partner in Bolivia), which enabled the team to obtain the necessary materials and build the kits before the workshop which was organized in the community of Ch'uxña Quta, 250 km north of La Paz. Despite some initial technical difficulties, this project raised interest from the local population, and the team left one of the kits behind so that the villagers could use it as needed. Follow-up visits will be made by local teams to evaluate the use of the kits.
BISS adding photovoltaic to solar cooker - August 2015
  • August 2015: BISS is starting a new project to add photovoltaic panels to its solar stoves to allow electricity to also be produced. Read more: French - (English version)
  • July 2015: Bolivia Inti-Sud Soleil published a July 2015 newsletter which offers updates on its latest activities. Read the newsletter on their website -.
Robert Chiron with baked bread

Robert Chiron

  • March 2015: Students at Lcycée Jaques de Vaucanson are studying the effectiveness of the BISS solar cooker, designed by Bolivia Inti-Sud Soleil. They are reporting their progress on this blog.
  • September 2014: Bolivia Inti-Sud Soleil reported the following data on their distribution of solar cookers, water heaters, heat retainer cookers, rocket stoves, and solar food dryers:
    • Bolvia: 6,378 solar cookers since 2000 and 30 water heaters since 2013.
    • Puno, Peru: 3,835 solar cookers since 2001.
    • Arequipa, Peru: 3,533 solar cookers since 2005.
    • Chile: 2,193 solar cookers since 2003, 883 heat retainer cookers since 2006, 1,007 rocket stoves since 2009, and 28 solar dryers in 2011.
    • Argentina: 473 solar cookers, 1,241 rocket stoves, and 62 heat retainer cookers between 2008 and 2012.
  • January 2014: Volunteers for Bolivia Inti-Sud Soleil, Michel Perrin and Jacques Prévost, have recently finished a comparative test of ten various biomass stoves. It can be reviewed here: Tests D'E'Bullition D'eau
See older news...


Audio and video

  • March 2017:


Très rapide à monter et à démonter, le cuiseur solaire pliable présente l’intérêt d’être facilement transportable et nécessite un faible espace de stockage. Réalisé en contreplaqué de peuplier (principalement français), il est recouvert d’une vitre en polycarbonate incassable. Autre avantage : son coût réduit à 140 euros ! Pour en savoir plus, contacter Bolivia Inti - Sud Soleil ( ou

  • March 2014

Jeannette Chiron, Winner for France

Jeannette Chiron is recognized for her work as founder of Bolivia Inti-Sud Soleil

  • August 2010:

Four Solaire et Parabole Solaire-0

Le cuiseur solaire modèle "boîte" permet de cuisiner tous les plats excepté les fritures. Son utilisation peut être combinée avec la parabole solaire, le cuiseur à bois économe ou le cuiseur thermos, outils diffusés par l'association de solidarité internationale, Bolivia Inti-Sud Soleil (

  • October 2007:

Stage de cuisson solaire a Retamo

See also

External links


Bolivia Inti-Sud Soleil
18 rue Gaëtan Rondeau
44200 Nantes

Tel: +33 02 51 86 04 04

Web: (English version)