Solar Cooking
Last edited: 3 June 2011      
Association Pour La Promotion des Femmes de Mekhe


  • Promouvoir l’utilisation de l’énergie solaire comme alternative au bois de chauff

Activités prévues:

  • Mise en place de 3 unités de fabrique de cuisinières solaires dans les trois quartiers ciblés
  • Fabrication de 145 cuisinières solaires pour les quartiers cibles du projet
  • Distribution des cuisinières solaires
  • Sensibilisation des populations pour une utilisation des cuisinières solaires
  • Formation de 15 artisans formateurs sur l’assemblage des cuisinières
  • Formation de 10 animatrices par quartiers en IEC/plaidoyer et cuisson solaire
  • Formation en gestion financière et des organisations
  • Mise en place du Fonds d'Appui à l'Environnement et au Développement

[This text was borrowed from http://]

News and recent developments


Large, sturdy solar box cookers manufactured by local craftsman are being distributed in Mékhé

  • July 2009: Through a partnership with GEN Senegal, the Association pour la promotion des femmes de Mékhé (ASPROFEM) is implementing a two-year solar cooker project in the Mékhé districts of MBambara, Lébou and Ndiop. The project is funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) Small Grants Programme, which is implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).The goal of the project is to help preserve trees through the use of solar energy as an alternative to firewood. With the help of several local craftsmen, solar cookers will be manufacturer in each of the three districts under the direction of cooker designer Abdoulaye Toure. Each district will have approximately 10 trainers to raise awareness in the community, teach solar cooking skills, and distribute solar cookers. One hundred solar cookers were distributed in Ndiop during the pilot phase of the project. The second phase of the project began last year and runs through the end of 2009.

See also

External links


Mr. Amar Amadou Oumar Wane
CONGAD, villa 1983 Sicap Dieuppeul III
Dakar, 16031

Tel: +221 8640588/89
Fax: +221 8645297

