Solar Cooking

All images added to this wiki must be "free-use". That is, they must either by public domain or licensed by the copyright holder under a licence that allows anyone to reuse the images. It's important that we do not add images taken from other websites as these are usually not free-use and would be copyright violations. See Image copyright tags for more detail on licences and how to tag your images.


Add image

We encourage you to upload images with the highest resolution available. It is very easy to make the image show up smaller for display on your page (see below). Please use descriptive filenames telling something about the photo inclulding the year. It's okay to use spaces in the name. All images must have a unique name.

While editing any article, just click the "Photo" button on the right side of the screen. In the pop-up you can browse for your image on your computer and then upload it to Wikia. When you complete the tasks on the pop-up, your image will appear on the page.

Using Images

To use an image in an article, you simply surround the full name (including the "Image" part) in double square brackets:

[[Image:Example.jpg]] will give you: Example
You can resize by adding the size in pixels between two pipes:

[[Image:Example.jpg|50px|]] will give you: Example

You can make an image a thumbnail an image by adding "thumb" in the same way. If a pipe is there from a previous variable, you don't need to add another:

[[Image:Example.jpg|50px|thumb|]] will give you:

This is automatically formatted to the right of the page. You can change this by adding "left" or "center":

[[Image:Example.jpg|50px|thumb|left|]] will give you:

Anything after the last pipe becomes the alt text or the caption:

[[Image:Example.jpg|50px|thumb|left|Alt]] will give you:


To link to a file without showing it on the page, you can use "Media" instead of "Image":

[[Media:Example.jpg]] will give you: Media:Example.jpg
To link to the image page instead, use a colon before the word "Image":

[[:Image:Example.jpg]] will give you: Image:Example.jpg
Finally, to create a gallery of images you can use the <gallery> tag:



Will give you:

See also

  • Uploading multiple images simultaneously